Chess.FM India Weekly Saturday show - Interview with WGM Dronavalli Harika

Chess.FM India's weekly Saturday Show at 7.00 PM IST, 14th July 2007, presents an Interview with World Under-18 Champion WGM Dronavalli Harika. Sixteen year old Harika who hails from Andhra Pradesh has also moved to the 15th spot in the World Women rankings.

The weekly Saturday show is hosted by the Indian Chess critic Arvind Aaron features also includes "India this Week", "Hot Events" and Up coming tournaments across India. Under Hot events we have GM Viswanathan Anand's commanding victory in the "Magistral City of Leon" tournament where he beat Veselin Topalov of Bulgaria 3-1, on the same day of Federer's wimbledon win. India this week looks at the National Under-25 championship, FIDE rated opens at Mangalore and Kochi, the Indian Sub junior talent in action at the Asian Under-16 in Tashkent, the Dubai Juniors and much more.
You can listen to Chess.FM India directly heard through the web browsers at or make a visit to for much more shows and game videos too. Chess.FM India was inaugurated during the previous Saturday show. Guests include former World Junior champion GM Harikrishna, World's youngest Grandmaster Parimarjan Negi, Grandmaster Sandipan Chanda, Indian Women champion WGM Tania Sachdev, GM Dibyendu Barua.
ChessFM India, the exclusive India channel of ICC's was inaugurated during the Anand Charity Simul for Vidyasagar charity organisation. ChessFM India is a free service and apart from the Saturday weekly show, has broadcasts Grandmaster commentary of popular Chess tournaments such M Tel Super category tournament, Bulgaria and the Sparkassen Chess Festival, Dortmund.
For futher information on ChessFM India:
K Visweswaran, India Representative,
The Internet Chess Club
Ph: +91-9444934036.